So once again theres a sleepless night afront, which isn't so bad cause I can find other tracks that hit HARD! Maybe soon i'll be able to sleep at night like regular people! If not, oh well! Check out this track by B.Rich . Plus a nice SMD track remixed by Dekker & Johan :)
Simian Mobile Disco - Audacity Of Huge (Dekker & Johan Remix)
By micdeemel on 2:09 PM
Filed Under: electro, fidget, hipster frenzy, house, new comers, snake charmer

First and foremost I would like to say it's a pleasure taking part in Hipster Frenzy's blogging extravaganza and thank everyone in Hipster Frenzy for giving me the opportunity to contribute in this musical revolution!
Now for the fun part! There's a Snake Charmer somewhere in the streets of Los Angeles but only thing is he doesn't really charm snakes but he might charm you! The name says it all, he is influenced by many genres but his inspiration comes within to satisfy his ears and the ears of many with his hypnotic experimental sounds. Here are two of his latest tracks. Enjoy!
Snake Charmer - The Pied Piper.
Snake Charmer - Got The Beat.
I've been thinking about changing it up alot here for a while now, hope everyone likes the new layout! Took a while to learn how to change everything! Might actually change the name also, what do you think? I'd love the feedback!
Cheers on the new layout, here are some more tracks by a HF close friend! Dskotek!
By d.r0b0t on 1:29 AM
Filed Under: Bloody Beetroots, Dada Life, Hard Summer, Life Express, Public Enemy
So since i'm really stoked to see my fav duo the Bloody Beetroots, might as well blog one of their tracks right now, a new hip hop lyrical track that uses Public Enemy's lyrics, gives it a good step up from all the other tracks that involve rap and electro. Also I have a track from Life Express as they Remix one of Dada Life's tracks "Happy Hands and Happy Feet". Nice vibes, sounds, beats, lyrics, all of the ingredients for a great track to spin!
Bloody Beetroots – Public Enemy
Dada Life - Happy Hands and Happy Feet (Life Express Remix)
I know I know, it's MONTHS since we last posted, myself (dr0b0t) and Adri have been wrapped up in our lives with work and what not, but we talked this past week about finally being able to post for you readers out there! So I promise to keep my word and start posting at least a few times a week! SO SO sorry! I won't leave you guys again :)
So since the months have passed by, my dear friend Dskotek has put out some HUGE bangers for the club! Hope you enjoy them and keep coming back for more :) BIG UPS TO HIM FOR DOING HIS THANG!
OH BTW! Congrats to our new writer Locotorp! Make me proud son! ;)
BONUS - (I found this track to be really catchy to the ears, check it out)
(download link removed by request)